id: 35981
Назва: Regional features of Ukrainian higher education in wartime conditions
Автори: Levchuk K.I., Levchuk O.V., Husak L.P., Havryliuk N.M., Lozovskyi O.M.
Ключові слова: military state, higher education, mixed education
Дата публікації: 2024-05-21 08:28:10
Останні зміни: 2024-05-21 08:28:10
Рік видання: 2024
Аннотація: Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, students of higher education have had problems of an infrastruc-tural, institutional, and personal nature. Mixed training has become the optimal form of training for HEIs which are not located in the zones of active hostilities or in the immediate vicinity of them. To ensure continuous learning, higher education institutions should offer students flexible options for education; establish communication between students and experienced and qualified teachers; guarantee access to relevant educational materials; create online learning platforms; provide students with mental health support; cooperate with other universities and educational establishments; and make any necessary adjustments to programs and services. For mixed learning formats, it is best to apply the following educational technologies: online learning platforms; virtual classrooms for lectures and group discussions; video conferencing tools; digital libraries; mobile learning software; and messengers.
Тип виданя: Статті Scopus
Видавництво: Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2024. № 1. P. 185-190. DOI:
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