id: 35708
Title: Rose diseases and their control in the conditions of Vinnytsia region
Authors: Rudska N., Yakovets L., Renskyi T.
Keywords: roses, main rose diseases, disease development, fungicides, effectiveness.
Date of publication: 2024-05-03 17:23:18
Last changes: 2024-05-03 17:23:18
Year of publication: 2024
Summary: This article highlights the problem of improved and substantiated elements of the system of protection against the main diseases of roses based on the establishment of the peculiarities of the formation of their complex in the conditions of the Vinnytsia region. According to the results of the conducted research, it was established that the highest percentage of the ratio among phytopathogens that were detected on roses: powdery mildew, which was 42%, black spot – 21,0%, diseases such as yellow rust – 15,0% also had a high percentage, botrytis bligh (gray mold) – 13,0%, less numerous were downy mildew – 5,0%, root rot – 3,0%, a lower percentage characteristic of stem cancer – slightly more than 1,0%. Poisoning of planting material with fungicides Maxim 025 FS and Kinto Duo, СS provided reliable protection of rose plants against root rot. The development of root rot on the treated plots was lower than the control variant on average – by 3,7–6,1 times. The best indicators against leaf diseases were obtained when processing Alto Super 330 ES (0.5 l/ha), Amistar Gold 250 SE (12 ml/5 l of water per 100 m2) and Maxim 025 FS (0,75 l/ha) + Horus 75 WG (0,6 kg/ha). Technical efficiency against powdery mildew on these variants was at the level of 84,8–92,6%, black leaf spot – 74,5–82,1%.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Сільське господарство та лісівництво. 2024. № 1 (32). С. 121-139. DOI:10.37128/2707-5826-2024-1-10
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