id: 23491
Title: Market institute: research methodology in context of basic cognitive approaches
Authors: Logosha R., Iryna M., Semenyshena N., Chykurkova A.
Keywords: Market Institute, Methodology, Cognitive Approaches
Date of publication: 2020-02-18 11:40:33
Last changes: 2020-02-18 11:40:33
Year of publication: 2019
Summary: The article substantiates and proposes a new solution to the scientifically applied problem of identification of the universal market methodology (on the example of Ukrainian market of vegetable products). The author`s position assumes the combinatorial content of the capitalist vector of development of the market institute, which, covering the period of the last 400 years, combines the influence of two trends: on the one hand, the immutability of the fundamental principles of market organization and the laws of its functioning under conditions of economic liberalism; on the other hand, a constant search for opportunities to increase the functionality of the market through its reorganization and transformation. Accordingly, the correction of the paradigm of the capitalist market was historically carried out under the influence of changes in such priorities: regulations, social standards, criteria of economic and social efficiency of market mechanisms, the content of operational management in achieving market efficiencies, etc. These trends conceptually reflect the role of traditional factors of influence in market theory, as well as universal mechanisms for improving the market. At the same time, the theoretical basis of the author`s research was the position on the determining role of the market type through a description of the logical, envisioned, projected and capable of correction of economic relations within the limits of the given institute. Taking into account the results of theoretical and applied research, the typology of market models, which reflects the real processes occurring in the conditions of a transitory and emerging market, is substantiated. The developed positions provide an opportunity to solve the problem of choosing and forming an optimal variant of the market model based on existing external and internal limitations, as well as specification of conditions for its operation. The theoretical basis of the concept of the post-industrial model of the market were the initial positions of the classical, neoclassical and neoinstitutional theories, interpreted in the work as a synthesized model of the market institute, which corresponds to the needs of the post-industrial society type. The justification of this is made on the basis of the own interpretation of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of the market theory, which enables the original description of causal relationships between the results of the activities of market entities and conditions that are formed at a certain period of time, as well as a set of socio-economic indicators that ultimately characterize the degree of effectiveness and efficiency of the market institute. The relevant methodological apparatus contains a set of logically interpreted criteria and indicators for assessing the state, problems and perspectives of a representative market.
Publication type: Статті Scopus
Publication: Intellectual economics. - 2019. - Vol. 13, n 2. - P. 172-194.
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